Monday, August 23, 2010

How do I get rid of uneven skin tone on my shoulders and back from my suntan peeling!?

I have fairly fair skin and haven't been in the sun much this summer. Last week I got burnt on my shoulders and back and it is now peeling and looks horrible. It is all blotchy and uneven. Is there any way to even it out? Help!How do I get rid of uneven skin tone on my shoulders and back from my suntan peeling!?
Use an exfoliator, it should really help by getting rid of the dead skin and evening out your tone. If you don't have one, you can make one with sugar and lotion. You should notice a difference very soon. Since you are burnt though, don't scrub too hard or you may irritate your skin. Good luck :)How do I get rid of uneven skin tone on my shoulders and back from my suntan peeling!?
salt or sugar scrub , but be easy just exfoliate a little

very little! or a loofah sponge

and then some lotion, like shea butter or cocoa butterr

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