Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How do you get rid of unwanted skin moles?

without having to burn them.

is there any home remedies?How do you get rid of unwanted skin moles?
The resource below should help.How do you get rid of unwanted skin moles?
my face too many oil %26amp; spoil
Not what you want to hear but all moles run the risk of cancer.

So having them removed by a professional is best - (It doesn't hurt mine have been cut off)-

Also they are vascular (bleed) and can return -

So see an MD -
no sorry moles are preeminent you will have to get them removed from doctor or hospital

1 comment:

Liam said...

Natural mole removal treatment will help your skin become clearer and free from moles. Most natural products come in either a cream or paste form. It is effective with less expensive.

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