It is most likely mud fever. Hibiscrub has been shown to be a very effective cleanser to deal with the particular bacteria that cause it (dermatophilus congolensis). You can buy Hibiscrub at any drug store. I would soak the scabs in normal 0.9% saline solution which is also available at any drug store, and cleanse them with hibiscrub, removing all scabs completely, rinse thoroughly with saline and dry each sore thoroughly. Exposure of the sores to air kills the bacteria, which are anaerobic. If any of the sores are raw and bleeding, I use an ointment called EMT which adheres well and heals them rapidly. You can buy it at tractor or farm supply stores, or online, and it is amazing stuff.
Even if it turned out not to be mud fever, this treatment will not hurt it and should still help.How can I cure my horse's skin condition on his legs?
It's probably mud fever, it could be an allergy.
Mud fever appears as scabs on the skin, which are sensitive. It's an infection that develops because the skin is too wet or cracked because it's too dry. You have to remove the scabs, as they keep the bacteria trapped underneath, and clip off all the hair. Antibiotic shampoo shoudl soften the scabs, and use antibiotic cream regularly to kill the infection and use it until the skin is healed. The vet may have to inject antibiotics of it's severe. To prevent this, keep the legs clean and dry. Wash off all mud as soon as possible, and dry the area thouroughly.
When you bathe your horse, be sure you have all the shampoo rinsed out. If it's left on the legs, it could cause him to itch until the hair falls out and will irritate his skin.
If it's allergies, there's nothing you can do but wash the horses legs every day (to remove the allergen), dry them well, and put an anti-itch cream on.
If there is little white things around where the hair is falling out, it could be bots. For bots I put some Listerine mouth wash onto a towel then kinda put it on the area. I know some people like to put it in a spray bottle and just spray it too. I think that works for various other things like Mud Fever and Rain rot.
use this spray鈥?/a>
with this shampoo鈥?/a>
works like a charm =]鈥?/a>
it is expensive but will do the job
they started out as natural hare care for ppl and then went to horses it is all natural and smalls great you should try there fly spray too mmm %26lt;3
i hope i helped pleas answer mine !!鈥?/a>
Change is season where you are?
Is it dandruffy and flaky?
Does it grow back?
Explain more please
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