In the course of 1 year I have lost 70 pounds, normally I'd be happy but I have loose skin, and it makes me look like an old man. I am 17, but I look 80 with the loose skin. So how do I get rid of it?How do I get rid of loose skin after weight loss?
In time, a good portion of the extra skin may well just be retightened against your body, since the extra mass is no longer stretching it. Although, if you have stretch marks anywhere, that skin will likely remain loose and there's no real sure-fire way to get rid of it other than surgical measures. (Although if they're new stretch marks i.e. only a few months old and still bright red as opposed to years old and faded to white or pale pink, they too may just fade away and be reabsorbed with time.)How do I get rid of loose skin after weight loss?
Tone up, it will take a while to get it where you want it but exercise is the only way unless you have the money for surgery im assuming that you dont since you didnt pay for lipo to lose the weight.
Surgery is the only way
I found this on this website.
There are more tips and info.
How to lose weight naturally has been in debate for years.
Some say low carb. Some say high carb. Some say it's how much food. Some say it's how much exercise. But none of these covers the whole picture.
How to lose weight naturally is not rocket science. It just takes accepting the facts of these seven natural laws of weight loss, plus good old-fashioned stick-to-itiveness.
Seven Laws of How to Lose Weight Naturally
1. Make a commitment to whatever it takes.
2. Start from a foundation of happiness.
3. Design your own healthy diet plan.
4. Manage your emotions.
5. Find a way to exercise daily.
6. Keep a Journal.
7. Be persistent.
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